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Creating a unique Brand Identity is a pivotal part of a strong campaign. I find enjoyment in creating unique and purposeful collateral and brand extensions. I also love creating campaigns for environmental and other important social causes, believing my work could cause change or aid society. 


2. Landscape.jpg

This project aims to challenge the gendered advertising and packaging design of alcoholic products and beverages. It also aims to educate and inform consumers about gendered design, bias, and subjective norms surrounding drinking. The card pack includes unique insights and statistics from reputable research sources, all related to gendered drinking practices, opinions, and statistics.
They intend to provoke thought and conversation amongst peers, to challenge their views and bias, in turn creating a more open-minded and inclusive community, provoking change in future alcoholic packaging & advertising design. The inclusion of brand stickers and additional collateral also serves to challenge and encourage active defiance of overly gendered labels, covering them with an inclusive
and powerful message.

1. Portrait.jpg
4. Card Pack.jpg
6. Card Set.jpg
7. Card Pile.jpg
9. Stubby holder.jpg
10. Sticker Sheet.jpg
12. 4 Cards.jpg
Billboard Mockup.jpg

This project revolved around creating awareness for the social and environmental issues of Greenwashing. The practice of Greenwashing involves marketing a product as more sustainable than what it is, and many consumers are unaware it’s even happening. They trust items at face value, hence the need for increased awareness.  The campaign aimed to educate consumers on the signs of Greenwashing, and what to look for, especially within cleaning products, where Greenwashing occurs prevalently. Achieved through print-based applications such as posters and billboards. 


This project was a group assignment, as well as a client brief through a partnership between Swinburne and the company Re:act. The brief entailed creating a campaign that brought awareness of Driver fatigue to young drivers.  Through the group’s conceptual process, we developed a campaign name, tagline, visuals, and a variety of applications. 

The idea behind our campaign was to personify the symptoms of driver fatigue, turning them into tired-looking characters, encouraging drivers to then consider them before getting behind the wheel. We wanted our campaign to stand out, to be different from many scare-based campaigns of the past. We instead made the visuals fun and approaching, while ensuring to still convey the severity of the issue. 


The first application is a single poster design. It depicts two designed figures, one holding the earth, while the other begins to piece it back together. Symbolically representing the message of the campaign. By “taking pieces” and making a sustainable change will lead to the repair of our plant and reduce the effects of pollution. It also reflects that it’s not just an individual effort, but the combined effort of the global community; that we must all do our part to help the environment. It’s a call to action while highlighting the importance of the issue and combined responsibility. 

The title and tagline sit centered and bold within the design, for maximum clarity of message and visual engagement and appeal. It brings presence and a serious tone to the design, a loud cry for involvement and participation. 


15. Sign.jpg

This project revolved around creating an awareness campaign for ocean life and the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef. It was a call for change and action, conveyed through an ocean-inspired palette and conceptual imagery. Through the process, a logo and brand were created, which was then applied to multiple different applications, building out the developed brand and strategic collateral. 

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